Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Project 3 peer comments

Emily White

Video reflection: Designing Dream Machine

This video gave me new insight in to what being and industrial designers really means. most of the past videos we have watched have been about designers practicing what i like to call "selfish design". for example, ross langrove and his stairs.This video, however, focused on teamwork and the process that industrial designers take to reach the final product. one of the eye opening things that i noticed was how much research and time was spent in investigating the product. its not all just about waiting for the perfect idea to hit you. As well as this, the designers have to work very closely with the client as well as each other as its not an individual that matters but the needs of the client and those the design is ultimately for. Going through this year and designing for myself has given me almost a false understanding of industrial design, but after watching this video some wrongs have been righted.

Project 3 : Upcycling Unwanteds "BUBTOP"

My product is called BubTop which targeted for artsy Uni Student who like to use unique stuff. This laptop sleeve is made out of cellophane gum container and ex-used pillow cover.
I chose this material because each material has its own unique features and quality.
  • Cellophane : has low permeability to liquid which give protection to the laptop. The plastic is also give extra protection when it hits something (it'll bounce back)
  • Pillow cover : It is soft, provide protection from scratch

Impact reduction:

  • The used of cellophane : made from regenerate cellulose which derived from plant that means it is 100% biodegradable.
  • Use less adhesive (more stitch)
  • Unique design; people who have something good and unique product will tend to keep their goods longer.
  • Use minimal material

Monday, October 19, 2009

Peer comments:
- Stanley Darmawan (http://stanz3ds.blogspot.com/)
- Glenaldy Janto (http://glenaldyjantoides1031-2009.blogspot.com/)
- Nina Harcus (http://ninaharcus.blogspot.com/)
- Fiona Lee (http://fionalee-ides1031-2009.blogspot.com/)
- Rob Cervetto (http://robotronblog.blogspot.com)